Sports columns, sports writers, sports broadcasters, sports coverage - is all talk. There has been so much talk, talk, talk about the fate of bad head shots, or even hard clean ones, in an NHL that boasts a faster-than-ever game of hockey . Sydney Crosby: the golden boy holding a box of timbits in one hand and Canada's Olympic hockey gold medal in the other is laying on the couch right now in his parent's home in Coal Harbour Nova Scotia still suffering from a bad concussion...or two. First we argued about whether or not the hit was clean. Now we are arguing whether or not that matters. At some point, someone is going to have to do something. Gary Bettman says he is well aware of the problem, but that rushing into a rule to prevent this from happening as much as it has been lately isn't going to solve the problem. Well duh, of course it won't because it means you aren't addressing the matter at all. What's more important at this stage? Where to put the Coyotes? How about this for a rule: if a player is hit so hard that they receive a concussion at the body of another player, the hitter gets a suspension and a fine. How many days and how much money could be up for debate at this point, but "clean" or not, if you know, and you know they know - that a hit is going to potentially end someone's career, then you should lighten up. It's called common sense. I can gauge how hard to hit something, and hockey players showcase the ultimate finesse at high speeds with a puck and a stick, why can't they do the same with their bodies? A clean hit should be just that. Clean. Let's re-examine the definition of that word and think back to about grade two when the teacher looked at our hands after eating a brownie and told us "that's still not clean". And sent us back to the sink. No if's, and's or but's about it.